I've officially been here 1 month and two weeks and have gotten into the daily grind of riding the train 35 minutes to and from work everyday. From the looks on the faces of most commuters, this should be a horribly painful process, but I'm sick...so I like it. Actually, I love it. I find all sorts of random things to occupy myself with (not much different from when I drove to work 35 minutes everyday, only it's much safer for me to read on the train than in the car). Now that I am ALMOST a commuting expert, I decided to write a list of things to do while commuting on the train (as I have observed on my daily ride):
1. Read posters - At least try to figure out what the heck they're selling. Japanese advert's are some of the most ambiguous (my personal favorite are the gum adverts, as seen to the right). Seriously!?
2. Stare out the window - Okay so this is neither the most exciting or the most creative thing to do on the train, but there are definitely worse options, especially during rush hour (like staring into the smelly armpit of the guy smashed up next to you). At least the view is usually pretty, of course that all depends on where you're going.
3. Stare at the people next to you - This is ONLY okay if you're a foreigner. Besides, most people are probably staring at you while you're not looking anyways. If you really want to have fun, stare like a Japanese person - the goal is to stare, without STARING. As soon as they turn to catch you, quickly shift your gaze out into the horizon, down at the floor or up at the ceiling.
4. Don't just stare, but stare at all the bishounen or bijin (pretty boys and girls). There's probably AT LEAST one nearby. Great way to pass the time, thinking of all the reasons why they WON'T be chatting you up (like, you don't know Japanese and can only converse using interpretive dance moves and exaggerated facial expressions).
5. Study Japanese - refer to #4 / or as most Japanese females do - study English...
6. Seriously study Japanese, for purely educational reasons. Okay you have a ton of time and nothing to do, might as well be productive.
7. Read nudie mags - Okay, I don't really promote this, but heck you'll spot at least 1 old man doing it. So if you're really brave, go ahead, do as the natives.
8. Play spot the chikan - So apparently the line the I take to work everyday is famous for having a chikan problem (pervert who grabs women on the train). This game would probably be rather entertaining if it wasn't so sick. I have to admit that while I think that many men LOOK like chikan, I have yet to actually see anyone grab someone. I've already prepared a retaliation, but I'll share that IF I ever get to use it. Otherwise, it's just not very funny.
9. Play dodge the chikan - Okay, I thought this list up while riding the train after it was late 40 minutes and the car was oozing people (people's faces were literally smashed up against the glass). I should stop making fun of a rather serious problem here.
10. Sleep, yeah okay very lame but seriously it's like a disease that affects half the passengers on the train. I fear the day it hits me as I'll most likely miss my stop and have to back track 30 minutes :-|
What to watch for (coming soon):
1) How Japan raises perverts as abundantly as America raises corn
2) Buying Japanese in Japan
3) Where are all my chikan at (this might not ever come at this rate)
4) Japanese hoochie mamas (I'll have to start snapping pics for this one)
5) I bujitsu you! and other school clubs
6) 10 Reasons why NOT to send your child to a Japanese school

1. Read posters - At least try to figure out what the heck they're selling. Japanese advert's are some of the most ambiguous (my personal favorite are the gum adverts, as seen to the right). Seriously!?
2. Stare out the window - Okay so this is neither the most exciting or the most creative thing to do on the train, but there are definitely worse options, especially during rush hour (like staring into the smelly armpit of the guy smashed up next to you). At least the view is usually pretty, of course that all depends on where you're going.
3. Stare at the people next to you - This is ONLY okay if you're a foreigner. Besides, most people are probably staring at you while you're not looking anyways. If you really want to have fun, stare like a Japanese person - the goal is to stare, without STARING. As soon as they turn to catch you, quickly shift your gaze out into the horizon, down at the floor or up at the ceiling.
4. Don't just stare, but stare at all the bishounen or bijin (pretty boys and girls). There's probably AT LEAST one nearby. Great way to pass the time, thinking of all the reasons why they WON'T be chatting you up (like, you don't know Japanese and can only converse using interpretive dance moves and exaggerated facial expressions).
5. Study Japanese - refer to #4 / or as most Japanese females do - study English...
6. Seriously study Japanese, for purely educational reasons. Okay you have a ton of time and nothing to do, might as well be productive.
7. Read nudie mags - Okay, I don't really promote this, but heck you'll spot at least 1 old man doing it. So if you're really brave, go ahead, do as the natives.
8. Play spot the chikan - So apparently the line the I take to work everyday is famous for having a chikan problem (pervert who grabs women on the train). This game would probably be rather entertaining if it wasn't so sick. I have to admit that while I think that many men LOOK like chikan, I have yet to actually see anyone grab someone. I've already prepared a retaliation, but I'll share that IF I ever get to use it. Otherwise, it's just not very funny.
9. Play dodge the chikan - Okay, I thought this list up while riding the train after it was late 40 minutes and the car was oozing people (people's faces were literally smashed up against the glass). I should stop making fun of a rather serious problem here.
10. Sleep, yeah okay very lame but seriously it's like a disease that affects half the passengers on the train. I fear the day it hits me as I'll most likely miss my stop and have to back track 30 minutes :-|
What to watch for (coming soon):
1) How Japan raises perverts as abundantly as America raises corn
2) Buying Japanese in Japan
3) Where are all my chikan at (this might not ever come at this rate)
4) Japanese hoochie mamas (I'll have to start snapping pics for this one)
5) I bujitsu you! and other school clubs
6) 10 Reasons why NOT to send your child to a Japanese school